Launch and Track


Stratospheric flight lines are attached to a small parachute and a payload. It also attaches the parachute to the balloon. A camera is installed in as one of the payload and the whole unit , including the balloon , is hoisted up.

Lets see the launch of the balloon through a Whimsical animation


slide 5

Apart from SPOT other trackers can be used to detect the location of balloon.Examples are APRS(Automatic Packet Reporting System), RDF(Radio Dirction Finder), Radioteletype(RTTY), PSK-31(Phase Shift Keying-31 Baud).


Data collected by the balloon is encrypted using morsecode

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(C) 2021 The credits for the photos and the template are given to the respective photographers and startbootstrap. The copyright and license of the images and the template applies to the copyrights and license of the respective owners.